Pray For Me

Make my life a prayer to You,
I wanna do what You want me to,
No empty words and no white lies,
No token prayers, no compromise.

Ephesians 6:10-19
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every
occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your
prayers for all believers everywhere (v.18).

I love those lyrics from Christian singer/songwriter
Keith Green who died almost 3 decades ago. His
passionate heart for God is reflected in every word.
In Ephesians 6, the apostle Paul described how we
can make our lives a prayer to God by having an active
prayer life. He wrote, “Pray in the Spirit at all times and
on every occasion” (v.18).

It’s not coincidental that Paul penned those words after
having addressed the fact that we’re in a spiritual battle,
not “fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies” (v.12). His
famous metaphor of us putting on spiritual armor is clear
and instructive (v.13). For without truth, righteousness,
peace that comes from the good news, faith, salvation,
and God’s Word, we will wilt before our unseen enemies.

But what’s the one thing the apostle tells us to do
every moment as we battle? Pray. To do what God wants
us to do, to live without compromise, to withstand “the
fiery arrows of the devil” (v.16), requires continuous
communication with our Father in heaven. We should
“never stop praying” (1 Th. 5:17).

When things go wrong, sometimes we stop praying the right way. As Keith
wrote, either our prayers are “token,” or we’ve simply stopped communicating with
God altogether. Instead of being “persistent in [our] prayers” (Ephesians 6:18),
we’ve shown our lack of faith and loss of love for God by not talking with Him.
It’s time to make your life a prayer to God. Follow Paul’s example. He told the
Ephesians, “Pray for me” (v.19). By doing so, he acknowledged the amazing
power that comes from God as we pray to Him “at all times.” —Tom Felten

Read 1 Corinthians
14:15 and reflect on why
it’s so important to pray
“in the spirit,” not just in
our minds.