Daily Devotional, March 08, 2011
Goldfield's Miracle
1 Corinthians 15:12-53
In fact, Christ has been raised from the dead.
He is the first of a great harvest of all who have
died (v.20).
Science’s discovery of nature’s laws makes an
intervening God less believable. We surmise that
lost limbs don’t grow back, and dead men don’t
return to life. Or do they?
In October 2008, medical doctor Sean George
was driving from Esperance to Kalgoorlie in the West
Australian goldfields, when he started feeling chest pain.
He called his wife and got to the nearest clinic. A short
while later, he was pronounced dead. Fifty-five minutes of
CPR and electric-shock therapy couldn’t bring him back.
The death was called when Sean’s wife, Sherry, arrived.
Sherry walked into the room and picked up her
husband’s cold hand. ”Lord,” she prayed. “Sean is only
39 years old. We have a 10-year-old boy. I need a
miracle.” At that moment, medical staff reported, Sean’s
lifeless body took a deep breath and his heartbeat
returned on the monitor. Later, Sean told me his miracle
story as a completely well man.
Skepticism about the miraculous goes way back. The
apostle Paul confronted cynicism about resurrection
among the believers in Corinth (1 Corinthians 15:12).
He reminded them that Jesus’ bodily resurrection was the
foundation of the Christian faith (v.4). If it was untrue,
their faith was “useless” (v.14) for they were still lost in
their sins (v.17). Just as importantly, Paul said that Jesus’
resurrection was the prototype for our own (vv.21-23).
Our bodies will be raised and transformed, just like Jesus’ (vv.20,53).
I firmly believe in Jesus’ bodily resurrection. And although Sean George’s
miracle was resuscitation, rather than resurrection, it is still modern proof of
what God can do. Talk about inspiring! For a true resurrection awaits those who
love Christ—the complete transformation of our bodies, souls, and hearts.
—Sheridan Voysey
What does Paul reveal
in Romans 8:11 about
the life that the Holy
Spirit brings?
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