Good Company

1 John 3:16-19
We think of your faithful
work, your loving deeds
(1 Thessalonians 1:3).

One of the highlights of living in East Africa is
meeting men and women from around
the world who come through the region to
participate in short or long-term missions. Today, for
example, while sitting in a Kampala, Uganda, coffee
shop, I met a young married couple from Charleston,
South Carolina. Amanda and Michael recently moved
to Uganda to help their church build a medical center in
one of the country’s most impoverished areas.

I enjoyed learning about the couple’s work and how
the Lord had led them to leave home and serve in Africa.
Our conversation reminded me that whether in our own
neighborhood or abroad, it’s inspiring to hear about and
spend time with people who have experienced God’s
love and are in turn sharing it with others.
Such individuals strive to live out the essence of
1 John 3 by enthusiastically . . .
• Giving up their lives and comforts in behalf of their
brothers and sisters around the world (v.16).
• Demonstrating God’s love by sharing their money
and resources with the poor—showing compassion to
brothers and sisters in need (v.17).
• Demonstrating love through their actions rather than
merely professing love to others (v.18).
• Letting their behavior convey God’s truth (v.19).

In his bestselling book Today Matters, John C. Maxwell
writes, “It’s a fact that you become more like the people you spend time with.
If you desire to increase your faith, spend time with others who exercise theirs.
Learn from them. Find out how they think.” And, I might add, how they act.
As God nudges you to engage in service to others, be intentional about
building friendships with people who are already doing so and who can lead
you by their example. —Roxanne Robbins

We wanted to give you
an example to follow
(2 Thessalonians 3:9).