Our Types Of Christian Shirts


Very unique designs that feature the vibrant, colorful graphics seen on the popular shirts by Ed Hardy and Affliction, but with designs that glorify our Lord & Savior!


Various Christian T-shirt designs that we hope will help you spread The LIGHT of The Word!


Unique designs within the body of the Christian Fish Symbol.


Christian Hippies promote their adoration and concern for Peace & Love thru the teachings of The Bible.


Christians designs that encourage efforts to care for God’s creation, to be faithful stewards of God’s provision, and to advocate for actions and policies that honor God and protect the environment.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amazing Guide

Daily Devotional, June 1, 2011 "Amazing Guide"

Amazing Guide

Joshua 1:1-9
Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the
family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true

Marion Cotillard, an actress in Christopher Nolan’s
movie Inception, says of the director, “Things
that I didn’t really get while we were shooting,
I knew were maybe not to be understood. I found it very
interesting to allow myself to be lost, because I knew that
I had this amazing guide who would take us to a place
where you really live the experience, because you abandon
yourself for a story and a director that will make it all work.”

I think Joshua could have said similar things about
the Director of his life. In today’s Scripture passage, the
newly commissioned leader of Israel is standing at the
threshold of Canaan. Moses, his mentor, has died. He’s
the new top dog, and the weight of the responsibility must
have been palpable. Twice God told him, “Be strong
and courageous” (Joshua 1:6,9). And once He said it
with emphasis, “Be strong and very courageous (v.7). It’s
not difficult to imagine Joshua’s fear and apprehension.
More than 2 million Israelites were looking to him to lead
them to their homeland. How would he do it? God didn’t
provide him with a detailed script, but He did give Joshua
assurances and commandments.

Essentially, God’s assurances were: l’ll be with you. I
won’t give up on you. I won’t leave you. I will be with you
every step you take (vv.5,9). And God’s commandment
was: Make sure you study and practice everything written
in My Word (vv.7-8). Joshua’s response? Complete
devotion and surrender to his amazing Guide.

Near the close of his life, Joshua proclaimed, “Not a single one of all the good
promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything
He had spoken came true” (21:45).

We too can abandon ourselves to a story and to a Director who “will make it
all work.” —Poh Fang Chia

Read Psalm 16:5-11
to see David’s
understanding of his
amazing Guide.

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Daily Devotional, May 31, 2011 "Convinced"


James 2:17-24
Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to
spiritual life (John 3:6).

Someday I want to go skydiving. While I’m not
overly fond of heights, I think there’s something
incredible about jumping out of an airplane with
a parachute (and an instructor soaring tandem with me!).
As kids, my sister and I would jump off our second-story
deck into the huge mounds of snow that covered our
front yard in the dead of winter. One time I even jumped
off the roof of a friend’s house (single story) into the deep
end of a pool. As a general rule, though, I don’t jump off
buildings. I’m convinced that gravity is real.

When it comes to spiritual things, we can’t separate
what we believe is real from the way we act. John 3:16
is priceless in communicating the truth of God’s love for
us. Our beliefs are not measured by our mental assent to
Jesus being the Lord of our lives, but by the actions we
live out in submission to Him.

John 3:33 says, “He who has received His testimony
has set his seal to this, that God is true” (NASB). Those
who believe put their confidence in the reality that God—
and His Word—are true. Because they understand the
connection between belief and obedience (Joshua 22:5;
John 3:36), they are convinced to the point of action.
Jesus paid the price so we could have the abundant,
free life He promises (John 8:31-32, 10:10). To choose
Christ is to become a new creation, not by our own
works but by His grace—the same grace that empowers
us to act in accordance with our belief (2 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Timothy 1:9).

We cheapen the cross when our Christianity goes no deeper than to
acknowledge in our minds that Jesus is the Son of God. Even the demons
recognized as much (Luke 4:33-35; James 2:19). May our actions reflect our
belief in Jesus. —Regina Franklin

Read John 14:14-21
to see the connection
between the work of the
Holy Spirit in us and our
obedience to Jesus.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

No Satisfaction

Daily Devotional, May 30, 2011 "No Satisfaction"

No Satisfaction

Psalm 103
He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s! (v.5).

In May of 1965, The Rolling Stones recorded the song
I Can’t Get No Satisfaction. Shortly after its release,
the tune rose to the No. 1 song in the United States.
How right they were. No matter how much we try and
try and try, satisfaction seems to slip through our fingers.
But is it true that satisfaction is impossible to find in this
life? Or could it be that we tend to look for it in all the
wrong places? Maybe the true source of satisfaction is
right under our noses, but we don’t see it because we’re
trying so hard to obtain it on our own.

Consider these words from the Old Testament prophet
Isaiah as he declared the words of the coming Messiah:
“Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink—even if you have no
money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk—it’s all
free! Why spend your money on food that does not give
you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good?
Listen to Me, and you will eat what is good. You will
enjoy the finest food” (Isaiah 55:1-2). Souls delighting in
the “finest of food,” hmm—sounds pretty fulfilling to me.
Jesus would later illustrate this reality another way
when He spoke these words to a woman who had a
history of turning to men to find satisfaction: “Anyone
who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.
But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty
again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them,
giving them eternal life” (John 4:13-14).

Jesus didn’t say we can’t find satisfaction in our relationships, work, or
hobbies. But He did say that without finding it first in Him, it won’t be complete.
So, where are you trying to find your satisfaction? —Jeff Olson

Check out Matthew 5:6
to read another comment
Jesus made about

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Time & Chance

Daily Devotional, May 26, 2011 "Time & Chance"

Time & Chance

Ecclesiastes 9:1-12
The fastest runner doesn’t always win the race,
and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win
the battle. . . . It is all decided by chance, by
being in the right place at the right time (v.11).

John Tesvich was prepared for anything. When low
rainfall or hurricanes disrupted his business, the
fourth-generation oysterman waited it out by reducing
staff until conditions improved. When consumers worried
about bacteria present in raw oysters, John’s company
invented a unique pasteurization process that made them
safe to eat.

But John never anticipated the BP oil spill. The defective
oil rig was 41 miles away from him, but 2 months after it
blew up it had ruined enough oysters in the Gulf of Mexico
to close John’s company. “Nothing is more insidious than
this oil spill,” said John at the time. “This thing keeps
spewing oil, and nothing can be done about it.”
John’s experience is a reminder that our success
depends upon factors beyond our control. We assume
that others will act responsibly, but when they don’t we
suffer the collateral damage. Careers have ended on the
whim of an impetuous boss, office gossip, or disloyal
subordinates. Jobs have disappeared in certain countries
as a bubble, or bailout in others have led to depressed
economies. The fragility of an interconnected society led
Solomon to observe that “The wise sometimes go hungry,
and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those
who are educated don’t always lead successful lives”
(Ecclesiastes 9:11).

The haphazard draw of time and chance would be
discouraging if it were not for God. Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 informs us that “God
has made everything beautiful for its own time” (v.11), and He is sovereign:
“Whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it” (v.14).
Consider the many factors that contribute to your success. Include the benefits
of nature, family, and country. Then tell God you know it’s all because of Him.
—Mike Wittmer

Pray Psalm 104 back
to God to celebrate
the many ways He
continually provides
for you and the rest of

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Symbol of Forgiveness (Part 4) - Sheila Walsh

Daily Devotional, May 24, 2011 "A Symbol of Forgiveness - Sheila Walsh"

Episode 4 - A Symbol of Forgivenesswith Sheila Walsh

Watch Episode 4 Now. CLICK HERE.

On a Sunday morning in 2009, Pastor Fred Winters was brutally gunned down as he delivered a sermon in front of his church congregation. The story made national headlines not only for the story itself, but also for his wife Cindy's forgiveness of the man who pulled the trigger.

Sheila Walsh taped a webisode series with Cindy Winters and Emmy winning Life Focus Productions titled “A Symbol of Forgiveness” where the two of them talk through Cindy’s remarkable story. Part four of the four-part series is now available.

Watch Episode 4 Now. CLICK HERE.

Strength - For When You Feel Things Are Crashing Around You

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

- John 16:33

In 1992, my life fell apart and I lost touch with everyone. I sat in the psychiatrist’s office in the hospital, and I could hear him talking to me, but it was as if I was listening through glass or trapped inside a goldfish bowl. His eyes were kind, and his posture as he leaned forward seemed to invite trust, but I was done with that. He talked to me about recent developments in understanding clinical depression and new medications that were more efficient in arresting that crushing feeling of disappearing a little bit more each day. I could tell that he was offering me hope, but I wasn’t taking it.

It’s not that I saw him as anything other than the fine doctor he proved to be. I just wasn’t interested. He offered the first few steps on a path to recovery and wellness, and I didn’t want it. The drip, drip, drip of depression had taken its toll until I finally felt as if I were drowning and had no strength or desire left to fight.

In the days and weeks that followed the beginning of my treatment, I can only describe it as being aware of the faintest glimmer of light. “Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul” (Psalm 94:17–19).

There is something holy that God has tucked into suffering. As I fell off the edge of my life, I discovered that I had always been held. In some mysterious way, it was as if God reached out and grabbed hold of me and lifted me. I was physically weak and emotionally worn out, but aware of the beginnings of oneness with Jesus.

This is a key to tapping into the power of allowing Christ, who overcame the world to help you through your troubles and sufferings. You have to finally come to the end of yourself and decide, no matter what the cost, you want to be free to love Christ and follow Him wherever that leads. I had to decide in the psych ward that I no longer wanted to live a safe, comfortable, cold life. I wanted to live abandoned to God. I began to see that too often I was only willing to give God as much as I could afford to lose or had lost already. True strength invites us to live with an open heart and soul, knowing that Christ has a good, strong hold on us.

I don’t speak of these things lightly. As you read these words, you might be in the middle of unimaginable grief. What I want you to remember or know for the first time is that Christ has been to the bottom of the pit of grief. He tasted the worst dregs that hell can pour out, and He rose again to set us free and secure for us a destiny with Him forever—a destiny that Satan cannot touch. As we walk on our unique path that will take us home, He promises to walk with us and to help us overcome.

1. God promised Isaiah, “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name” (Isaiah 45:3). What treasures have you discovered in the darkness of your journey?

2. How can we know, or how can we remind ourselves, that God is there upholding us even when the night is black and the pain is crowding the life out of us? What, specifically, can you do to hold on to the hope of God’s light when all you see is blackness?

3. Jesus’ promise is, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.” How does this change your perspective today?

This Bible study is an excerpt from chapter 1 of The Shelter of God’s Promisesby Sheila Walsh.

Sheila Walsh’s new book, The Shelter of God’s Promises, available now. CLICK HERE.

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Monday, May 23, 2011

The Benediction

Daily Devotional, May 23, 2011 "The Benediction"

The Benediction

Numbers 6:22-27
May the Lord bless you and protect you. May
the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace

In many churches, as part of the liturgy, the pastor
closes the worship service with a benediction (good
pronouncement) invoking God’s help and blessings
upon the worshipers.

There are many benedictions in the Bible (for example:
Psalm 121:7-8; Romans 15:13; 2 Cor. 13:14; Ephesians
3:20-21; Jude 1:24-25). One of the most famous biblical
benedictions was used in the movie Deep Impact. Before
the big comet crashed to earth, the US President (played
by Morgan Freeman) said: “The Lord bless you and keep
you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be
gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and
give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26 NIV).

As they wandered through the wilderness, the Israelites
knew they wouldn’t make it to the Promised Land
without God’s help. They looked to Him for the basic
necessities of food, water and protection. The repetition
of God’s covenantal name, “the Lord” (Yahweh), was a
reminder of God’s faithful involvement in their lives. This
benediction is a reminder that as we journey through
this dangerous and evil world, we too would not survive
without His favor, grace, and mercy.

In his book Bless You, Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe
wrote of Numbers 6:24-26, “This benediction may be
the most quoted of all the benedictions.” Although the
benediction was intended for Israel as a people of God,
“the six ‘you’ pronouns are all singular, indicating that
God’s blessing is for the individual.”

The next time you hear a pastor pronouncing this benediction at the end of
a worship service, remember that it’s a petition on your behalf, asking and
affirming that God Himself will provide for and protect you (v.24), assuring you
of His presence (vv.25-26), pardon (v.25), and peace (v.26). —K.T. Sim

What do the biblical
benedictions in Ephesians
, Jude 1:24-25,
and Hebrews 13:20-21
say about God and you?

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Sacred Spaces

Daily Devotional, May 20, 2011 "Sacred Spaces"

Sacred Spaces

Acts 17:16-34
His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel
their way toward Him and find Him—though He is not far from any
one of us. For in Him we live and move and exist (vv.27-28).

Atorii is a traditional Japanese gate typically painted
brilliant red and found at the entrance of Shinto
shrines and Japanese Buddhist temples devoted
to particular gods. Adherents to those religions believe it
marks the point where one leaves the secular world and
enters the holy. A large and famous torii stands off the
shore of Miyajima Island in the Hiroshima Prefecture of
Japan. Visitors are informed it’s “sacred” space.
Sacred sites are common in most religions. Hindus
trek to Varanasi, located on the banks of the Ganges
River; neopagans make their pilgrimage to Stonehenge.
A sacred space is where a god or spiritual power is
thought to be unusually present.

To the Greeks of Athens, the apostle Paul stood on
sacred ground as he spoke to them on the Areopagus
(Mars Hill). With its links to the gods Mars and Ares,
the hill also stands a stone’s throw away from the
Parthenon—the temple of the goddess Athena. Among a
plethora of gods, Paul had seized an opportunity to talk
about another “unknown” God (Acts 17:23).

This God, Paul explained, was Creator and Lord of
the whole world—rather than parts of it, like the Greek
gods (v.24). Greece’s gods had limited powers, but this
God controlled the destiny of each individual on the
planet (vv.25-26). Greece’s gods had limited spheres of
influence, but this God was literally everywhere (v.27).

Paul’s message is important for all believers in Jesus, for we have our own
version of sacred space: the church sanctuary. We “meet” God there on Sunday
morning and then head into the “secular” world on Monday. But if the one true
God is present everywhere, then everywhere is sacred space.
And that makes your workplace, campus, and home a place of worship too.
—Sheridan Voysey

Read 1 Kings 8:27,
Psalm 139:7-10,
Jeremiah 23:23-24, and
Hebrews 4:13 for more
references of God’s

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